St. Barnabas Church of England Primary School

Through our Christian ethos and values we hold dear, we are creating roots to grow and wings to fly

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School Values

Our Values

St Barnabas Church of England Primary School 


Our Christian vision is inspired by the hope of God through Jesus Christ and His transformational impact. Through the hope Jesus inspires, we encourage one another to be the best version of ourselves every day. We learn from the teachings of Jesus and how he inspires and impacts others to live and flourish in hope.

(Acts 4:36 and 1 Thessalonians 5:11).


Saint Barnabas Primary School is founded upon core values and learning from the example Jesus gives us. Through His teaching and the example of St Barnabas, we are aiming to be our best selves. To be loving, forgiving and live a full life. We are a welcoming and inclusive school, who make all families and children, of all faith and none feel represented and included.

At school, we aim to develop and improve educationally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We learn that it is through our action and words that we can make a difference to others and how to encourage, serve and help others. We learn to reflect on our choices and how to make better ones but also how to forgive. We also learn how we can invite God into our lives to help and guide us on our journey. We benefit from the positive examples of others such as the encourager like St Barnabas.


Although Christians have many values, the school focuses upon Honesty, Kindness, Co-operation, Friendship and Determination. These values were selected by the extended St. Barnabas Family. Children, parents, Governors and staff all chose their top five Christian values. The Worship Council then determined which five the school would focus upon.

To support our school values, the themes for Collective Worship are changed each half term and reflect values to support the social, moral, emotional and spiritual growth of our children. Our principal values of friendship, kindness, determination, forgiveness, honesty and co-operation are also explored. Also, many other values are explicitly taught throughout the school day such as; respect, courage, trust and appreciation.



For each of our values, we have a bible story to help us understand what it means to live that value in everyday life. Our values are explored in detail below, giving our key Christian story, which gives a biblical example of how to show this value and an explanation of our expectations and how we can live our values in our everyday lives. There is an explanation of what these values mean to our school. For example, we explore cooperation through trust and forgiveness as these are what we need to be able to work together at St Barnabas.


Although community and service isn’t one of our core values, we reflect on this in the summer because it helps us focus on the impact that learning and living our values has on us and the world we live in. It helps us see how our behaviour and actions can have a positive impact on others.

Our values at home

Please see the links below for how you can explore our focus values at home.

Determination - perseverance 

Cooperation - trust and forgiveness

Kindness - compassion 


Honest - truthfulness 


Home school values Determination - perseverance

Cooperation - Trust and Forgiveness

Home school values cooperation - trust

Home school values cooperation - forgiveness


Home school values kindness - compassion


Home school values friendship


Home school values honesty -truthfulness

Community and Service

Although this isn't one of our 5 footprint values, it is important to us to be able to see the change we can make through our actions and words. We aim to be more like St Barnabas by encouraging others. We want to be the change in our community and help others.

Home school values community

Home school values service
