St. Barnabas Church of England Primary School

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How do we adapt the curriculum and the environment?

At St Barnabas, we implement high quality teaching for all, as a first response to SEND support.  Teachers will assess and monitor progress and identify barriers to learning and respond by adjusting the curriculum or the physical environment.


In order to support pupils, we might provide:


Additional spellings, additional maths, additional reading, fine or gross motor support, speech and language groups and social skills groups


Making adjustments and adaptations


We will ensure that effective scaffolding through resources, models and images are incorporated into lessons and additional interventions and teaching styles, strategies and approaches are adapted in order to meet the individual needs of the child.


We adapt the curriculum by using:

Technology to support learning

Explicit instruction

Cognitive and metacognitive strategies

Scaffolding techniques

Flexible grouping

Adapting our Staffing

Using pre-teaching

Allowing longer processing time

Chunked instructions 

Using visuals to support


We may also provide resources such as:

Visuals, task boards, visual timetables, coloured overlays, now and next boards, timers, use of ICT and manipulatives.


In our classrooms, we use neutral displays, pastel shades on whiteboards, provide individual workstations and privacy screens.
