St. Barnabas Church of England Primary School

Through our Christian ethos and values we hold dear, we are creating roots to grow and wings to fly

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How does the school support pupils with special educational needs through transition?

How does the school support pupils with special educational needs through transition?
We aim to make times of transition as easy as possible for the children and young people in our school.
When starting at our school we:
• Meet with the child and their parents to talk about their needs and answer any questions about our school.
• Provide the child with a transition book that has photographs of key staff and areas around school.
• Read reports from people who have worked with the child.
• Liaise with the previous setting.
• Arrange visits to our school before starting.

*Plan individualised transitions for children who require a more gradual transition into school. If a reduced timetable is required for a child to transition successfully into school, then this will be discussed and carefully planned with parents.

When moving to a new year group we:
• Introduce the child to their new teacher.
• Provide the child with a transition book that has photographs of key staff and areas around school.
• Talk to the child and their family so we can answer any questions that they may have about the new year group.
• Give adults who will be working with the child copies of their one page profile and discuss the support needed.
When moving to a new school we:
• Hold a review meeting and invite staff from the new school.
• Talk to key staff at the new school about the things that will help the child to learn well and be happy at school.
• Arrange extra visits to the new school with a member of staff from our school if requested.
• Talk to the child and their family so we can answer any questions they may have about the new school.