St. Barnabas Church of England Primary School

Through our Christian ethos and values we hold dear, we are creating roots to grow and wings to fly

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Foundation Governor: Mr Daniel Martin

Foundation Governor: Mr Daniel Martin


Full name:Daniel Martin
Category of GovernorFoundation Governor
Appointed by Foundation/Trust
Term of office/date elected

March 2024

Relevant business interests – involvement in governance of any other educational establishmentsStaff Governor of St. Michael's CE Primary Academy (Handsworth)
Pecuniary interests (material interests arising from relationships between governors and/or governors and staff including spouses, partners, close relatives)

Currently providing bespoke teacher training - pedagogical

Relevant skills and expertise you are bringing to the role of governor.

A current Deputy Headteacher in a successful inner city Birmingham school where I am also a staff governor, possessing a knowledge of governance from a staff perspective of current LAB position.

Consultant for Birmingham Education Partnership (Religious Education and English) providing training and support work for schools across the city and further afield.

Why I wanted to be a Governor

Knowing the school well, I am keen to bring a level of expertise to a school that exists in my locality.





