St. Barnabas Church of England Primary School

Through our Christian ethos and values we hold dear, we are creating roots to grow and wings to fly

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Ethos Committee

Our ethos council represents children in our school. The collective worship committee has children from key stage 1 and 2 whereas, the prayer and spirituality and values committees are from key stage 2.

The Ethos Committee represent the different faiths at Saint Barnabas. They have important roles and responsibilities which include regularly meeting with the Ethos Leader to discuss ethos, RE teaching, collective worship and religious festivals that are celebrated. They are central to our child led worship and contribute to whole school and key stage worship. When we have worship together in the hall, they hold open doors for the whole school, light the candle, say our words of welcome and sending, share our ethos, read from the bible, keep the Collective Worship display up to date,  lead the school prayer, say prayers from other faiths and share children's prayers. The Ethos Committee evaluate Collective Worship regularly and are the voice of the pupils for worship time at St Barnabas Primary School. 




Through the hope Jesus inspires, We 'encourage one another and build each other up' to be our best selves.



Ethos committee leaders Aleena, Elnathan and Kamso

Al are responsible for:

  • ensuring our values and lived and promoted by everyone.
  • being role models and championing our values.

working to ensure our values stay important and are explored throughout our school day

Collective worship committee

Responsible for:

  • leading collective worship, prayers and stories.
  • the collective worship log and feedback on collective worship
  • making sure collective worship is enjoyable, inclusive and invitational to all

Prayer and spirituality committee

Responsible for:

  • setting up and running prayer spaces in school
  • ensuring our prayer and reflections are inclusive to all
  • promoting times for payer, spirituality and reflection in our school day

Kamso year 6 robins

Aleena year 6 Robins

Elnathan year 6 Robins

Rusne year 5 kingfishers

Kenayah year 5 sparrows

Fahiz year 4 Bumblebees

Sasha year 3 Ladybirds

Maely year 3 Butterflies


Oliva year 2 Snowdrops

Jessica year 2 Bluebells

Taha year 2 Bluebells


Ameliae year 6 wrens

Kamso year 6 robins

Aleena year 6 Robins

Elnathan year 6 Robins

Rusne year 5 kingfishers

Kenayah year 5 sparrows

Fahiz year 4 Bumblebees


Aanaya year 2 Bluebells

Sasha year 3 Ladybirds


See the latest Ethos Committee

  • We will develop our school ethos by ensuring our school has an inclusive and Christian character and follow the example of St Barnabas by being encouraging so that everyone can be their best self.
  • We will set a great example to others as role models and champions of our values. 
  • We will lead and work with our ethos leader (Mrs Gardner) to make sure our school is a place where everyone feels included and has the opportunity to grow.
  • We will listen to others (adults and pupils) and collect ideas on how to improve our school. We will lead changes. We will celebrate our school and communicate through our weekly newsletter.

Prayer space in school

Our prayer and spirituality committee are very active in running and planning our prayer spaces in school. 

Ethos news 

We have weekly updates on collective worship, prayers and spirituality and our values in our newsletter.

The Ethos Committee visit Erdington Baptist Church prayer spaces

Ethos Committee Minutes
